Team of Cannabis Athletes Complete 25,000 Miles For Charity

cannabis athletes complete 25,000 miles for charity

The Green House Healthy Charity Miles Team recently completed walking, running, and biking over 25,000 miles for charity. Heather and Antonio DeRose, the Co-Founders of Green House Healthy, both grew up in Missouri. Antonio says, “Many of the miles Heather and I have contributed to the team were completed right here in Missouri, including the Skippo 30k and the Wildwood Trail Marathon”. The team consists of more than 25 athletes from all around the country who contribute to de-stigmatize cannabis consumption and raise money for charities like The Epilepsy Foundation,  Habitat For Humanity, the World Wildlife Foundation, and many others.

Anyone can join the Green House Healthy Team on the Charity Miles app. Membership is free to join. This is where miles are tracked and donations get made to the charity of each team member’s choice.

Green House Healthy CEO, Heather DeRose, recently celebrated 5 years seizure-free. She attributes her success to cannabis and to living a more healthy and active lifestyle. “We started the team on Charity Miles to show cannabis consumers aren’t lazy, while simultaneously raising funds for charities that make positive impacts on people, animals, and our planet.”

The team of athletes and advocates will continue to walk, run, and bike for charities while raising awareness of the health benefits of cannabis. People are encouraged to join the team and reach out with any questions through the contact form at